September 9, 2024

Residential Contractor’s Guide to AI: Your New Superpower


AI is revolutionizing remodeling. Learn how contractors can use AI assistants like Handoff to automate tasks, save time, and grow their businesses in today's competitive market.

Dmitry Alexin
CEO of Handoff

There’s a massive shift happening in the world right now: Artificial Intelligence. AI is upending every industry it touches and construction is no exception. In fact, it’s now flipping what it means to run a remodeling business on its head.

You can chose whether you want to benefit from AI, make more money and win back your precious time—or be left behind.

Let’s dive in into how you can make this technology make or break your business.

The Remodeling Grind is Real

Running a successful remodeling business is not a joke. You’re up early and you’re home late. There’s always a problem somewhere: subs are not showing up, materials are missing, clients are unhappy.

You spend your whole day in the field all day, just to get back into the office to deal with piles of paperwork. Estimates, proposals, invoices. 

This is the reality of growing a construction company. It's what you signed up for, but damn, it's a lot. The more you work, the less progress you feel you're making. You've been grinding for years, but growth has plateaued. You're starting to feel like an employee in your own business.

You buy a seminar where some "guru" tells you to "develop systems" and "hire help." Yeah, right. Easier said than done. The construction industry is facing one of its toughest labor markets ever. The younger generation isn't exactly lining up for trade jobs. Bad hires cost time and money - two things you can't afford to waste. So you're stuck, unable to scale because you're doing it all yourself.

AI Can Help (But Not ChatGPT)

This is where AI comes in. Let’s strip away the hype and unnecessary technical details and talk about what AI can actually do today. 

Today’s AI can already perform at a level of a smart office employee. Tools like ChatGPT can help with a lot of office tasks: writing emails, summarizing scopes, assisting with research. There’s no doubt that it is revolutionary. 

But while ChatGPT is smart, it is not smart enough about construction. For example, ChatGPT struggles to handle complex tasks like cost estimating because it’s not connected to a database of construction costs. ChatGPT can also make obvious mistakes in putting together scopes and doing basic math because it hasn’t been trained on real-life construction projects. Finally, it’s just a chat: there’s no CRM, estimate builder, or invoice editor—all the tools that you expect from useful remodeling software.

The bottom line is while ChatGPT is cool, but it’s not enough for it to be the force-multiplier you need to scale your construction business faster. In fact, if you rely on it for critical tasks like estimates, it might even lose you money.

Handoff: Your AI Assistant Built for Remodeling

Instead, you need an AI that speaks contractor. One that knows real-time material costs, integrates with your estimating and project management tools, and understands construction inside and out.

This is exactly what Handoff does. It's an AI built specifically for residential contractors, trained on 68 million construction costs from every corner of the US, plus thousands of real-world estimates.

Handoff has built-in tools for everything you need: estimating, invoicing, contracts, CRM, and even materials purchasing through Lowe's. The best part? You can just talk to it like a real assistant (no typing needed) and Handoff will handle the daily grind you don't have the time for.

Handoff AI will stay on top of:

  • Generating accurate estimates for new projects
  • Creating and sending professional proposals
  • Handling your invoicing
  • Managing your client communications
  • Ordering materials at the best prices

With Handoff, you'll be free to focus on what you do best: creating killer spaces for your clients. You’ll finally have time to think strategically about growing your business (remember you wanted to work on your business, not in your business?). Hell, you might even have time for that family vacation you've been putting off for years.

The Bottom Line

Right now, there's a massive opportunity for early adopters in this space. The remodeling industry is notoriously slow to adopt new tech, but that's changing fast. The contractors who embrace AI will leave their competitors in the dust. This is your chance to be ahead of the curve.

Look, I get it. Change is scary, especially when it comes to tech. But here's the truth: AI isn't here to replace you. It's here to free you from the grunt work so you can focus on what really matters - building amazing things and growing your business. 
Remodeling is about to change in a big way. The question is: are you going to be leading that change, or playing catch-up?

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