digital invoices

Get paid faster
with digital invoices

Getting paid has never been easier. With Handoff, now you can receive accept digital payments with credit cards and ACH. Your clients (and your bank account) will love it.

How it works

Handoff makes it easy to create an invoice and send for a digital payment. Attach it to your proposal or send a standalone invoice to get paid fast.

intuitive invoices

Create and send invoices

With Handoff you can create and send digital invoices to your clients in just a few clicks. Our invoicing feature will inspire trust in your clients and help you get paid on time every time.

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Create and send Invoices
Adding Invoices to Proposals
proposals integration

Progress payments and change orders

Handoff allows you to collect a deposit as a % of total job amount as well as request progress payments when you add a payment schedule along with your proposal. Need to make adjustments? Simply send another invoice as a change order in a few clicks.

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digital payments

Accept all major credit cards as well as ACH

Clients expect that their contractor can accept any credit card as well as ACH bank transfers. Make their lives easier and allow them to quickly pay online with Handoff. Get paid in cash or check? No problem, Handoff allows you to log these payments in the app as well.

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Allow your Clients pay online

Handoff makes it easy to run your remodeling business with our intuitive AI-drivensoftware.

Handoff creates accurate estimates in seconds. You will finally have the time to start working on your business, not in your business.

Explore all features of Handoff

Handoff provides a complete toolkit to grow your remodeling business
10x faster without having to work 10x harder.

Instant AI Estimates
Instant AI Estimates

Instant AI Estimates

Your clients' information and their
estimates are stored in one place
for easy access.

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Winning AI Proposals
Create Proposals with AI

Winning AI Proposals

Our AI automatically generates winning proposals you can send to your client
with one click.

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Client Management System

Client Management System

Your clients' information and their
estimates are stored in one place
for easy access.

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Handy / Happy

Boost your business with Handoff

Start earning more revenue right away with Handoff, without spending a single penny upfront

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