Product Updates: AI Chat & AI Preferences

Handoff’s new AI Chat Bot and AI Preferences are now making your estimates faster and more accurate.
You asked, we listened. In November, we released several updates to make your estimating process even faster and more accurate.
- AI Chat - your new personal estimator
- AI Preferences - set your preferred rates for the AI
- Multiple Terms & Conditions
- 2 New Proposal Formats
- Significant Bug Improvements
Check out the full list and details below.
AI Chat - Your Personal Estimator

Our new AI Chat feature turns estimating into a simple conversation. Here's what it can do.
Conversation & Version History
- View your entire chat history with the AI, just like texting on your phone
- Jump back to any previous version of your estimate - no more worrying about mistakes

Start with Templates
Choose from common projects and get pre-filled descriptions
Follow-up Questions
The AI asks smart questions to ensure accurate estimates

Voice to Text
Just tap the microphone and speak your instructions from any device
AI Preferences - Customize Estimates with Your Preferred Rates

We know every contractor has their own way of doing things. That's why we've added AI Preferences:
Save your Rates
Set your default labor and material rates once. Use them for every estimate.

Save Your Instructions
Specify your typical level of finish and material selections
Auto-Save Preferences
The AI learns from your estimate edits and saves your preferences automatically.

Find AI Preferences right at the top of your Settings page, just below General Settings.
Multiple Terms & Conditions

Save different sets of terms for different project types or team members. Use them as templates and customize per job.
New Proposal Formats

Customize proposals to your clients' needs with these two new estimate layouts:
- Item Totals: See line item prices alongside group-level totals
- Full Breakdown: Display quantity, unit cost, and line item totals
Don’t worry, your markup stays confidential in both formats.
Coming Soon
We're committed to constantly delivering new features that improve your business. Here's a little sample of what's coming up:
- Revamped Onboarding: Our AI Chat will walk new users through creating their first estimate with AI. We’ll ask about your company and some basic preferences, so we can deliver more relevant estimate examples and accurate prices.
- Global Search: You’ll be able to search for any keyword or client name, and pull up associated estimates, proposals, invoices, contact info, and more. As new features and document types are added to Handoff, you can search for them.
- Faster Invoicing: We are actively talking with payment providers to reduce the time from client payment to payout to your checking account. We’ll keep you posted when we can make faster turnarounds available.
Check out our full roadmap here. We always appreciate feedback for our existing and future features.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed AI Chat stability issues
- Resolved location setting problems
- Improved voice-to-text accuracy
- Reduced app lag across all features
- Fixed proposal download suggestions
- Ensured reliable loading of client dashboards